Welcome to our veGRB generation page using Uniswap V3 NFT-LP. Here, you can earn veGRB by providing liquidity to the GRB/ARB pool on Uniswap V3 using NFT-LP, a unique non-fungible token that represents your liquidity position in the pool.
To get started, follow these steps:
1. Visit to add liquidity to the GRB/ARB pool and receive your NFT-LP.
2. If you have more than one NFT-LP token for GRB/ARB (positions), you will need to migrate them into a single NFT-LP token. This is because our smart contract only allows for one NFT-LP token to be used for generating veGRB.
3. Click the "Deposit NFT-LP, Earn veGRB" button to start earning veGRB with your NFT-LP.
4. To exit the earning and withdraw your NFT-LP and veGRB rewards, click the "Exit Vault" button and follow the prompts.
Please note that the price range of your NFT-LP should fall within the range specified by the vault.
For more information about how NFT-LP works, please head to Uniswap V3.